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We love volunteers! They are the backbone of our organization! Each year dozens of faithful people volunteer to help with one or more of our projects. Our impact is dramatically increased because of caring people like you! If you are interested in learning more about how you can join with us either locally or globally, we'd love to hear from you!


Prayer Support

Prayer is the single most important way to help support us , and is the key to success within any ministry. We invite you to pray over our projects, decisions, and our volunteers in our mission to make a difference with our local and global projects! 

Financial Support

All of our projects are 100% supported by wonderful people, churches and organizations like you! If you would like to help support one of our many projects, we'd love to hear more from you, or you can contact us if you have any questions. Otherwise feel free to click the Give link below!


The Love Hope Project, Love Hope

​Find us: 

3900 18th Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201

© 2015 The Love-Hope Project 

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